Three concise points.
First: I want to apologize to Disparate Thought’s devoted readers – I know of three – who have stressed their displeasure – I know of two – for not posting sooner. Reasons: First: Pre Hurricane Kyle weather disrupted the already shitty French Canadian internet. Second: My steadfast attention span was directed toward the download and subsequent repeated watching of Battlestar Galactica, seasons three and four, in a not-so-closet-sci-fi-geek-manor you have all come to know. Three sub points. First: Battlestar Galactica is the most intelligent show on any type of audio-visual medium. Second: That is really not saying much. Third: Do not let the second point dissuade you from checking out the sci-fi drama sensation now. Third: My priority for the last four days off work – due to the three day moose hunting season and the ensuing Labatt’s Blue induced floppy headed French Canadian small arms Canadian DNR controlled Bullwinkocide – was to lounge around the chalet naked since there is now just a sole occupant. Frankly, it would just be disturbing to type naked. Second: The urge to post something of meaning today dwindled along with my caffeine buzz. Potential future posts. First: Cutting Through Big Pharma’s Deliciously Evil Goodness. Second: The Natural Evolution of a Scientist: The inverse relationship between education and religious belief. Third: Politics: We’re all wrong, but Sarah Palin is still an Idiot. Third: Today’s post is going to be a one-day, three-part blogisode summarizing First: The Acadian Peninsula. First: Geography. Second: Culture. Third: My – yet to be determined if I’m really joking – hatred for it. Second: CATEGORY 5: POSEIDON’S ATLANTIC FARMER’S BLOW (must be due to the gays, right neocons?) Third: Anticlimax: It’s alright Poseiden; it happens to all Greek Gods at one point or another.
State tuned for Episode 1