Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Mel Gibson's Pancake Nipples in all Their Glory

Possibly the worst idea in the history of mankind is the advent of white undergarments to cover orifices that excrete dark brown, bright yellow, red and sometimes even green. I seriously cannot fathom why anyone would buy white underwear. White underwear is a perfect analog for religion: A great number of people believing a horrible idea because that is what the people before them believed and so on ad infinitum. This case being that it is a good idea to cover a shit-spewing sphincter, for example, with white linen.

Speaking of shit-spewing sphincter, is anyone else tired of the incongruity that is Sarah Palin's logic? The media should also be humiliated for covering Bristol "I preach abstinence-only eduction, but continue to take more black cocks than that blonde in 18 and Taking it Deep 4" Palin and her supposed future husband. It's one thing to cover inane topics such as the Palins and their erroneous relevance, it's another thing to cover Mel Gibson in an attempt to destroy is reputation and career.

I used to think Matt and Trey were being hard on Mel when they would seemingly arbitrarily satirize him. Yet, as a testament to their genius, they were obviously on to something.

He's pretty close to winning the douche of the year award, but a close second would have to be Dr. Phil. God what a douche.

At least legitimate shrinks capitalize on people's problems in private instead of exploiting them for ratings. And please don't think that Dr. Phil's pancake nipples make him credible. A lot of douche bags have wonderful pancake nipples. Hell, I bet Sarah and Bristol have pancake nipples.

pan·cake nip·ple
Pronunciation: \ˈpan-ˌkāk ˈni-pəl\
1. Aeriola or tissue of 'Andre the Giant' proportions around the protuberance of mammary gland, see pannies.

Can you use it in a sentence?

That bitch looked like a shit-spewing sphincter, but Daayyamn! she had some sweet-ass pancake nipples!

I'd like to close with the keys to a Clean Sweep (ie. The ART of defecating without the need to clean up effluent remnants).

1) Fiber, insoluble and soluble
2) Adequate protein
3) Morning and evening squat thrusts
4) Tri-weekly meeting with Colonel and Anel Angus
5) And most importantly, communion. The weekly consumption of the Body of Christ, specifically the portion of his divinely superior small intestine.