We believe this is the elf that tends to defecate in our mouths after long nights of drinking. There is also reason to believe the elf steals my socks and hides my keys. Based on apparent excitement of the elf, it is likely the subject just consumed several of my socks and subsequently took a nice dook in my sleeping mouth. 

Rare physical contact with the elusive underpants gnome.
Beast-sitting this cat-dog, Sahar gets a free exfoliation from a sandpaper tongue, but developed a rash probably due to the fact that this thing regularly licks its butt.

Dr. Seuss role-playing.

My home office. It's a much less depressing view in the summer and the thick foliage allows me to work naked without being branded a pervert. It's pretty tranquil until the affluent queens come by walking their noisy ankle-biting designer dogs and bump Cher in their convertibles. No joke. They don't help the stereotype.

Beast-sitting this cat-dog, Sahar gets a free exfoliation from a sandpaper tongue, but developed a rash probably due to the fact that this thing regularly licks its butt.

Dr. Seuss role-playing.

My home office. It's a much less depressing view in the summer and the thick foliage allows me to work naked without being branded a pervert. It's pretty tranquil until the affluent queens come by walking their noisy ankle-biting designer dogs and bump Cher in their convertibles. No joke. They don't help the stereotype.