*FYI. i've been really busy lately and wrote this post a week ago,. but never really finished it....thought it should go up before tomorrow*
When I started writing to you, I really did not intend for my blog to be a platform for free-thinking, intelligent, creative (awesome, Pulitzer worthy..whatever) rants about politics and the dangers of religion. I honestly figured I'd just provide re-creations of my debaucherous encounters with syphillic biker chicks, but it is what it is and I write what's in my noggin. With that said, I would like to present you a brief social commentary influenced from navigating the underground networks. I've heard people say that they would rather have an old war veteran and a hockey mom in presidential office than two lawyers any day. *Expletive, expletive, really?! Expletive expletive perpetuation of ignorance.....EXPLETIVE!!*
There is a young woman who has been a friend of mine for the last decade. Her book-smarts have always intimidated me, but have driven me to reevaluate how I approach my own intelligence and educational motivation. As an aside, in high school she use to wear these tight black pants that would magnificently accentuate her ass - accompanied by these amazingly large eyes that are positioned in such a way as to personify beauty and stress an unadulterated kindness - that would often leave me asphyxiated in my pubescent fantasies. My lovely, generous friend has devoted her professional career to a nonprofit educational organization, soliciting funds to advance her cause and education in general. We were having a conscientious conversation - it's impossible not to with her - and she went on her logical rant of why it is so important to donate to educational causes more so than other worthy causes. Since we are both intelligent, rational and not of the journalistic credibility as say, World Net Daily, we were both under the implied understanding that she was not saying don't still adopt the starving African children. Her point was that promoting education is akin to fighting the disease (of humanity) - ignorance. Donating to starving children, the Red Cross or even cancer research, while still very important and worthy causes, is fighting a symptom and will not yield the same benefits over a long enough timeline.
Acceptance, Understanding, Equality ->
Indifference, Intolerance, Injustice ->
Acceptance, Understanding, Equality
I am in danger of becoming a radical in the fight against ignorance. No, I am NOT preaching of the benefits of becoming a far-leftwing sensitive nut job. What would I possibly do without my political incorrectness? I AM, however, speaking of making judgments based on reason. The pardoxical aspect of our intolerance is that we are actually born with an innate sense of Acceptance, Understanding and Equality.
If you think about it, we don’t really have a choice; our survival depends on our open mind. You will never see a consciously racist baby born from a mother and refuses to have anything to do with her based on her race. Our Indifference, Intolerance and Injustice is learned through our indoctrination into society, amongst other ideals and idiosyncrasies. This explains why we often become a mirror image of our parents, perpetuating the same tactics modeled for us from years of conditioning. Generally speaking, do you subscribe to the same politics as your parents; are you of the same faith; do you have the same biases; are you of analogous education?
Therein lies the fundamental problem in navigating to the end of the above paradigm. In order to overcome learned bias and perpetuated ignorance, which we all have regardless of relative societal influence, we are required to transcend our subjectivity through perspective. Circumstance often dictates the extent to which we achieve this objectivity, but ultimately it is your responsibility. That brings us to Ignorance vs. the Ignorant. You often hear the argument from tolerance saying, “Well it’s not their fault. They don’t know any better.” Well I’m here to say that at some point you have to blame the Ignorant and it’s time for some tough love.
*incomplete. missing information and motivation*
Level of education does not always correlate with intelligence or lack of stupidity; however, it does generally correlate to a greater understanding of logical arguments, tolerance and rational behavior. In most instances, level of education can be correlated to intelligence - in terms of critical thinking - using a logarithmic scale.
Education Level - Intelligence Level
High School Diploma.................1
Bachelor's Degree....................10
Master's Degree.....................100
As reality indicates, there are always going to be aberrations to the rule and this model is no exception. I had someone tell me the more education they received, the more racist they became. Obviously we need to disregard certain subjects if the above model is to survive, as well as the educated idiot or the pretentious PhD that has become detrimentally single-minded. However, if I am to confidently pick a leader that is not only going to represent me in the world, but hold our collective future in their hand more so than any other person on earth, I want their intelligence level to be between 100-500. I guess you have to make up your own mind, but let's see if this comparison helps (via Pharyngula).
Barack Obama:
Columbia University - B.A.Political Science with a Specialization in International Relations.
Harvard - Juris Doctor (J.D.) Magna Cum Laude
Joseph Biden:
University of Delaware - B.A. in History and B.A. in Political Science.
Syracuse University College of Law - Juris Doctor (J.D.)
John McCain:
United States Naval Academy - Class rank: 894 of 899
Sarah Palin:
Hawaii Pacific University - 1 semester
North Idaho College - 2 semesters - general study
University of Idaho - 2 semesters - journalism
Matanuska-Susitna College - 1 semester
University of Idaho - 3 semesters - B.A. in Journalism
Yeah I guess you're right cliché dissenting redneck. I always thought Columbia University, Harvard and Syracuse College of Law were pretty suspect in their educational credibility. I too am scared of the impending amoral socialist state brought on by graduates of those institutions. Our only saviors are the war vet and hockey mom.
While conservative irrational fears include such nonsense as an impending fudge-packing Marxist-like state where abortions are so ubiquitous we actually play popgun with pregnant women and shoot each other with feti, liberal fears include the perpetuation of ignorance and intolerance, fear-mongered witch hunts, the Patriot Act, and thinking that can be summed up with this sign:
*incomplete, but the sign i wanted to post was something about how obama is a muslim terrorist who kills babies*
Just remember I love you all. (Well I love some of you, like many of you and just disregard the rest)