Chris Hedges - despite his overused pessimism, likely the result of years as a war correspondent in some of the most violent zones in recent history - is one of the most prolific reality clarifying writers of our time. In his article, The Christian Fascists Are Growing Stronger, Hedges quickly states, "...the Christian right, have begun to dismantle the intellectual and scientific rigor of the Enlightenment." Perhaps the most frightening revelation is that Hedges believes the Christian right believe “Global war, even nuclear war, is not to be feared, but welcomed as the harbinger of the Second Coming.”
This is nothing new to people who follow these ignorant ramblings, but it makes it none less inevitably horrifying when potential conservative candidates such as Sarah Palin is quoted as saying, "God made dinosaurs 4,000 years ago as ultimately flawed creatures, lizards of Satan really, so when they died and became petroleum products we, made in his perfect image, could use them in our pickup trucks, snow machines and fishing boats,” and Mike Huckabee is quoted as saying the earth is only 6,000 years old.”
Hedges briefly mentions the “rewriting of textbooks,” referring to recent amendments in Texas social studies curriculum. For those of you who are not privy to this very public information, these changes include, but are not limited to:
-The removal and/or downplay of Thomas Jefferson’s role in our founding due to his secularist philosophies.
-Questioning the separation of church and state.
-Claiming the U.S. was infiltrated by communists during the Cold War and giving credit to Joseph McCarthy for his infamous “witch-hunts.”
He concludes this thought with a spot-on observation that,“Facts and opinions, once they are used “scientifically” to support the irrational, become interchangeable. Reality is no longer based on the gathering of facts and evidence. It is based on ideology. Facts are altered. Lies become true.”
The scientific method, which I would define as developing results (making conclusions) through repeated experimental observation (emprical evidence), reporting methods and conclusions in peer-reviewed journals, allowing other scientists to repeat these methods to come up with new results and if these methods are repeated enough and consistent results are maintained whilst holding to the rigors of peer-review, then a consensus is developed (Long sentence, poor grammar. Get off my back. This is science not english). That is science. There are no absolutes in science, only statistical likelihood. For instance, experiments with gravity have yielded consistent results since Newton’s day that says the statistical likelihood that the gravitational constant is approximately 9.8 m/s^2 are pretty good. However, the beauty of science is that this “theory of gravity” – while the whole of it remains intact – has and will continue change as new empirical evidence is produced through the scientific method. With this we know that gravity is weaker at lower latitudes and higher altitudes and etc, etc, etc.
The theory of evolution is analogous to the above. Through the scientific method we have determined the accuracy of isotopic dating, illustrated the evolution of the eye and have identified natural selection as the primary mechanism of evolution, which is NOT survival of the fittest, but the process by which certain genetic traits that favor survival our passed down through successive generations. Yet as Hedges correctly cites, “The Christian right has, for this reason, its own creationist “scientists” who use the language of science to promote anti-science.” He goes on to say, “Once creationists can argue on the same platform as geologists, asserting that the Grand Canyon was not created 6 billion years ago but 6,000 years ago by the great flood that lifted up Noah’s ark, we have lost. The acceptance of mythology as a legitimate alternative to reality is a body blow to the rational, secular state. The destruction of rational and empirically based belief systems is fundamental to the creation of all totalitarian ideologies.”
I have so many beloved friends, families and professional acquaintances that consider themselves religious moderates. These people typically hold one of three views:
1) I don’t want to get involved. Ignorance is bliss.
2) I don’t have time or don’t want to take the effort to educate myself.
3) Unfortunately I shape my world view around my ideology beginning with conclusions, then searching out evidence, which is the inverse of scientific method.
It is this last world view that is by far the most frustrating, but all three are detrimental to our species. There is a great quote from Boondock Saints where the priest says, “Now, we must all fear evil men. But there is another kind of evil which we must fear most, and that is the indifference of good men.” Most of my friends and family are genuinely good people, but as the priest says, stop being evil, get off your ass and fucking educate yourselves so we don’t get literally and figuratively ass-raped by the impending wave of barbaric theocrats because as Hedges says, “They are coming.”
I do have one criticism of the article, however, which is the false equivalency Hedges draws by grouping Jews and Muslims in what the Christian right is attempting to eradicate, along with the other "social deviants": homosexuals, immigrants, secular humanists and feminists. Obviously Hedges is attempting to provide examples for the intolerance of the Christian right; I just hate to see the "Chosen People" and "a group that calls for the extermination of anyone who does not follow Islam (see the Qur'an)," two groups of people that make conscious decisions to follow immoral, violent Abrahamic doctrines, with people that were born with a sexuality they could not choose, people seeking a $5/day job in order to feed their families, people who refuse to base decisions on ignorance, or faith, and people who attempt to seek equal treatment and opportunities as their male counterpart. (As an aside, there is a very proven inverse relationship with the empowerment of woman and population growth. Hmm... )
Regardless, this is another gift from a man who has devoted his life to intellectual enlightenment, despite his seemingly sexual fetish for war zones.