Melting into my couch in the early afternoon hour, drinking diet coke and eating dark chocolate -because I still have latent experential post-menopausal conditioning - and watching MSNBC, I see a news conference/protest near the Capital building with the mission statement: NoStimulus(.com). A large group (maybe a couple hundred) of all caucasians backdropped an older Republic gentleman (assumed because they all look the black people.. right conservatives?) spouting talking points about taking back our country from our supposed Stalkin-esque controlling government. "We have 400,000 thousand signatures of average Americans who do not think this bill should pass...should not pass because it is B I G G O V E R N M E N T and more frightingly, socialism!"
Ok.. anyone can hold these protests near the Capital, but this group had several US Congressional members as leaders. So this group of so-called 'avg. Americans' is helped in leadership by noneother than M I C H E L E B A C H M A N...! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!

I love this picture and here is why.. follow me here. This is a coffee cup with a picture of Michele Bachman rolled up in it -> this either says Bachman is only worthy of being rolled into a dense weapon worthy of beating a poop-happy dog, or is like coffee -> coffee is a stimulant, which in most people produces a laxative effect -> laxatives stimulate the gastrointestinal tract through an increase in rectosigmoid motor activity -> an increase in rectosigmoid motor activity results in uncomfortable, acidic, explosive and watery defecation E R G O Michele Bachman = uncomfortable, acidic, explosive and watery defecation
Remember Michele Bachman? Well she is the Minnesota Republican Congresswoman who stated on Hardball with Chris Matthews that then time presidential candidate Barack Obama and wife Michelle held anti-American views and couldn't be trusted in the White House. More absurdly and McCarthy-incarnate, she even called for the major newspapers of the country to investigate other members of Congress to "find out if they are pro-America or anti-America."
She recently told Fox News in a concerned tone that, "We are running out of rich people in this country," and on the stimulus package, "These are morbidly obese levels of spending." Eloquent Michele. For a second I felt bad about the title of this post. As an aside, the other day I was watching a session of congress where an unnamed Republic congressman was giving a refutation of the stimulus bill. His presentation was a series of visual aids illustrating, for instance, what a trillion dollars would look like if you stacked up $1 bills until you reached the sum. Another was how many times a trillion dollars would wrap around the world if you lined $1 bills end to end. This logical fallacy-laced presentation is a blatantly irreverent display of arrogance and ignorance, an insult to his constituency, the American people as a whole and most importantly, me. What a fucking douche bag. What point was he trying to make? That the funds he OK'd for the illegal invasion and occupation of Iraq - ironically now over a trillion dollars - would not pile up to the moon, but a trillion dollar bailout for working class (fucking hard working, non lazy) individuals would pile to Saturn?? ...... Ugh.... I've gone cross-eyed.
How these people gain power can only be testament to the rampant ignorance and seemingly inherent inability to experience empathy that is still roaming our country. Does it surprise anyone that she is a proponent of Intelligent Design Theory, aka Creationism? Obviously spending a trillion dollars for destroying (Republican for 'Giving Freedom') Iraq is necessary, but a trillion dollars to help out desperate middle-class, lower-class Americans is just, well, anti-American. 'God,' what a cunt.
So 400,000 average Americans have signed this petition to stop the stimulus bill.. I'm willing to bet that not one of the estimated 500,000 people who lost their jobs in January have signed this petition. I wonder what NoStimulus thinks of the current 7.2% unemployment rate. You know, had I been born with a silver spoon reamed deeply up my overly-toned sphincter, I'd sign the petition as well; good thing I wasn't. I bet Michele poops cinnamon-scented blood diamonds. Oh don't even get me started with diamonds.
Well anyway, If you currently have a job you should feel pretty blessed compared to a lot of our countrymen. Not to mention the armless children of Darfur (Jen-girl!)
My Pops has always told me that if you have enough money to take care of your basal needs and if money is your biggest worry, you really don't have any worries. So why don't we create new meanings in our life independent of an unnecessary need for social class aspirations and concentrate on concepts such as love, compassion, family, friends and all the other small stuff that makes life worth holding onto that high-velocity projectile? Trust me people, you do not require Uggs or an Armani pea coat to transcend the existential vacuum.