I responded to this issue on a friend's facebook page with the following retort:
"I don’t think we should underestimate the significance of the mischaracterization of this poll. As soon as CNN released the results, every Republican/conservative that was interviewed cited, “59% of American’s oppose this government/totalitarian/socialist (I even heard dystopian) takeover of our healthcare system.” A little more research and we discover that Republicans are doing what they do best: Strengthening the Pavlovian conditioning of their base through their typical semantic misinformation. If you value personal responsibility and contain a twinkle of critical thinking skills, you see that according to the CNN poll 52% of Americans favor the bill and/or oppose it because they think it’s not progressive enough and 46% flat out oppose the bill.
Republicans are great at aversion-therapy: Democrats=don’t care about your safety. Democrats=Socialists=Soviet Russia. Obama=soft on terror. Healthcare Bill (HB)=govn’t takeover. HB=death panel. HB=loss of civil liberty. HB=YOU WILL DIE. Progressive=piss on the constitution while wiping your ass with the American flag. It’s no wonder that once pragmatic conservatives are now speaking about revolution and independent minded liberals are second-guessing themselves. Logical fallacy-based arguments laced with fear, that’s their platform.
PS: I think it’s hilariously tragic how every Republican thinks they speak for all Americans and even funnier, God (or their god rather). ... "
[Update: Hell even I disagree with the current legislation. I don't think we can have comprehensive reform of both health-care coverage and in terms of longterm economics without a single payer system. I still think this is better than nothing though]
And now, Harris has just released these poll results indicating that Republicans believe that Obama:
-Is a socialist (67%) Response: Yeah he's a socialist all right.. a reverse socialist. Usually socialists give money to the people, not corrupt financial institutions. If anything, he's a corporatist.
-Wants to take away Americans’ right to own guns (61%) Response: Not only has Obama not done anything to take away guns, he's fucking loosened gun laws: We can now take guns into national parks and on Amtrak. He also hasn't publicly said anything about the brilliant idea of some states to allow guns in bars. I mean that only makes sense.
-Is a Muslim (57%) Response: Why is being a Muslim any worse than being a Christian. They both believe millenia old writings with well documented and clear contradictions, hypocrisies and paradoxes, violent and reprehensible (by our current definitions of morality) devine interventions and delcarations, not to mention many revisions, and at the crux of both is a belief in something with little or no evidence. Makes sense to me.
-Wants to turn over the sovereignty of the United States to a one world government (51%) Response: Even if this were the case it's not in any REALM OF POSSIBILITY. This is less plausible than my budding porn career. I think the Law of Conservation of Mass says that "I must be THIS ----------> LARGE to enter the ride"
-Has done many things that are unconstitutional (55%). Response: Um.. you only have arguably the most conservative (majority) (and corporatist) supreme court of all time. Stop fucking complaining and bring your cases...
-Resents America’s heritage (47%) Response: Sorry to break it to a lot of you a-empathetic whites, but the people we stole from Africa, the families we split up, the young woman we raped and the people we tortured, killed and treated like a commodity, yeah those were black people and the we who did that was America. Even those "Founding Fathers" - that many of you think you (inaccurately) speak for and guiltily masturbate to followed by ashamed self-flagellation - had black slaves. I guarantee Obama is not 100% proud of America's heritage. I'm not 100% proud of America's heritage. That's the difference between us and you. You are nationalists. You believe no matter what your country does, it is correct and morally relevant. We are patriots. We recognize past mistakes and question the norm to make the country better for everyone.
-Does what Wall Street and the bankers tell him to do (40%) Response: Yup exactly. Even though Obama's proposed "Bank Tax" which would have given the tax payers some of their money back with interest was struck down by Republicans.
-Was not born in the United States and so is not eligible to be president (45%) Response: Ugh...
-Is the “domestic enemy that the U.S. Constitution speaks of” (45%) Response: Ugh.. and the anti-christ.. getting tired...
-Is a racist (42%) Response: Against whom?! Obama is half black and half white. If he's a racist he's a self-hating black man.. no.. I mean he's a self-hating white man.. no black... ugh.. so tired.
-Want to use an economic collapse or terrorist attack as an excuse to take dictatorial powers (41%) Response: Hmm.. 9/11:Iraq:the suspensions of habeus corpus with the patriot act:the most civil rights divesting legislation ever... That WAS Obama who did that.. right?
-Is doing many of the things that Hitler did (38%). Response: Like breathes in a mixture of 78% Nitrogen/21% Oxygen/1% other gasses to stay alive? Like take shits? Like gets from point A to point B using an upright bipedal movement?
Here's an even more clarifying follow-up by Harris that separates differences between those with no college education and those with a post-graduate degree:
-He is a socialist (45% and 20%)
-He wants to take away Americans’ right to own guns (45% and 19%)
-He is a Muslim (43% and 9%)
-He was not born in the United States so is not eligible to be president (32% and 7%)
-He is a racist (28% and 9%)
-He is anti-American (27% and 9%)
-He is doing many of the things Hitler did (24% and 10%).
Disagree on philosophy all you want.. but start believing in bullshit with no evidence.. sounds like Christian or Muslim thinking. FUCK, people.. read an objective scientific or law book written in the last hundred years. Learn some critical thinking skills... ANY critical thinking skills. I'm embarrassed for you people and embarrassed for myself by national and geographic proxy.
This is the same old shit: "Protesters rail against "socialistic government takeover of healthcare" while holding near and dear their medicare and social security cards.