When Dylan Ratigan first came to MSNBC mornings months back, I wasn't really sure how he was going to work out and was quite critical as he baby-stepped into the 8.00AM time slot. However, as he progressed and gained a productive level of comfort, his confidence seemed to open up his natural ability to be an incredibly intelligent and effective, relatively balanced 'new-age' journalist. For those of you who haven't seen him yet, this guy is very sharp and can hold his own with just about any current player out there. Let me just say he does NOT paddycake financial-oriented interviews like I've seen with just about every other host including Wolf Blitzer, Lou Dobbs, Anderson Cooper, Sean Hannity, Bill-O, Maria Bartiromo, Jim Cramer and everyone else at CNBC and Fox News Business.
Also, say what you will about Michael Moore, but comparing him to the liberal version of Ann Coulter is highly inaccurate and is due to an ego-oriented ad hominem attack of the left. I'm not going to turn this post into a defense of Michael Moore; however, some of the flack he is getting about his current movie is that he is preaching against capitalism, but making millions off of this and all of his other endeavours. Well, for those of you who are too ego-centric to form your own objective opinions, he is actually much in favor of capitalism, but a highly regulated consumer protected version of said system.
This is a great video articulating the absurdity of the current Wall Street bonuses and general issues with our heavily UN-regulated economic system that helped put us into our current place (and what little has been done to change this broken system).
I particularly enjoy Ratigan's explanation of "Capitalism in its best form," at the 4:08 mark.
I love you